The research images below are of existing businesses, coffee shops mostly, that would present themselves in a similar way to Cake&Co.

1. Candy Cakes, London
This is a very bright and exuberant shop front. The colours used are those from the brand logo, and used A LOT! The green is quite overwhelming, but would really stand out on the average high street. I really like the idea of displaying the cakes in the window, but they're just out - not very hygienic!
2. Billy's Bakery, New York
This is quite a plain shop front, but it is quite homely and quaint. The colour is a pale cream, which compliments the logo really well, and allows it to stand out.
3. Primrose Bakery, London
The illustrated logo looks really great on the window. The colours are quite pale but they stand out quite well because they are totally opaque. The shop is painted yellow, which is bright and eye catching and complements the pink and white logo quite nicely, and keeps the feeling sort of light and quite pretty.
4. Maison Blanc, London
The logo is type, but quite illustrative and expressive. The design is repeated on the front of the shop, and the awning...why? That seems a bit weird, but the addition of colour is good.
5 Millies Cookies, UK wide
This is a gorgeous and bright shop design. It works really well because the simple stripes using the brand colours, but they dont overpower the shop front. The design is very modern and contemporary, but the logo has quite a retro feel. It is an odd combination, but it works because the contrast is overly strong. The brightness and pattern really makes the shop eye catching and quite unusual.
6. Hummingbird Bakery, London
This chocolate brown exterior is quite appropriate - it is very chocolaty! The name is written in a pale gold above what looks like patterned woodwork. The window display is low key but very pretty and enticing, they are showing their products and packaging, which creates an all round feel for the brand.
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